Saturday, March 17, 2012

OC Register Watchdog piece regarding Righeimers unfounded blame

Take a look at the recent OC Register Watchdog piece regarding Righeimers unfounded blame for OT in the City. This was posted online but did not make it into print. Vasin discredits Righeimers unfounded assertions with the facts. Lets us know your opinion.

Friday, March 16, 2012

Welcome to the Costa Mesa Firefighters blog spot

The Costa Mesa firefighters are committed to working with the city to find real, long term solutions to the economic challenges. Unfortunately, the city council majority does not share the same committment. Please view the information on this blog and on our website to get the facts about our dealings with the city, learn more about a firefighters duties, and much more. Our committment is to put forth information that is factual. That is what the public expects and deserves from it's public safety professionals. I can't say the same for members of the city council who choose to put forth ideologically driven rhetoric that has no factual foundation. Please let us know your thoughts. We are truly interested in your opinion. Thank you.

Tim Vasin - President
Costa Mesa Firefighters Association